Sugar should be high on our collective list of concerns when it comes to our health and diet. And now, thanks to the people at Plamil, it has become easier to lower your levels.

Plamil Expressions Chocolate has been the first to be accredited with the new Sugarwise certification, which helps consumers identify low free sugar content in food.

Sugarwise will be the only mark certifying foods that derive no more than five per cent of their energy from free sugars – ‘simple’ sugars that are broken down quickly by the body, are accompanied by little fibre and other nutrients and can wreak havoc on our health. Plamil’s Expressions Chocolate has a mere 1.5g of natural sugars in its 100g bar.

Considered one of the most significant breakthroughs in the fight against the effects of free sugars to date, the newly developed Sugarwise test enables scientists to differentiate between a product’s total sugar content and free sugar content for the first time. It was developed by worried mum, Rend Platings, in collaboration with scientists from The University of Cambridge, including esteemed sugar and carbohydrates expert, Dr Tom Simmons.
Dr Simmons said: “The majority of the population far exceeds the five per cent free sugar guideline amount and, at the same time, obesity and sugar-related illness rates are soaring. Because of this, we developed the Sugarwise test and certification to let people take control of their diets. It is about helping consumers make simple swaps and informed decisions.”